This is the triangle exhaust Yoshimura TRC type stainless / carbon for the Yamaha Zuma 125, the price of $ 519.95 on the website or equal to 5,337,000 rupiahs, excluding Shipment, tax and customs of course. Yoshimura exhaust this type is suitable when the Pair with the motor scooter.Happy Testing..

For some people, fairing Honda CBR 150 R that has still not top it. Dissatisfied with the sticker and paint, there are also special fairing CBR 150 R, so that a bit more bloated with two front lights sipit, may be free like a Honda CBR 1000 fireblade in 2007 or a Yamaha R6.For those who desire a motor such as in photos, please stop by to Zaneta still in Long Street, near the location of the


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